I’ve got the current sector screen working the way I want it now :). Most of the values on the menu on the right are dummies but the people seen in sector are all real or NPCs.
That’s right, there’s going to be NPCs with some limited AI! Haven’t quite figured out how to identify them as NPCs though.
Here’s a shot of some in-game combat. Probably needs to be prettied up a bit more though.
I plan to go into alpha testing soon so stay tuned if you’ve managed to find this blog!
I finally got logins working again and added some nice background features to make the game run smoothly.
Hashing, if you’re interested, is a pain the ass to do. Especially if you want to limit the character count and still make it decipherable.
Welp. Started adding nebulae into the game.
So I’ve completely remade the “Local Maps” feature and it’ll look something like this. Note this doesn’t have any of the graphics yet and it won’t have those background colours.
February 28th, 2009
Warning: Here be possible spoilers.
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Categories: 13th colony, Blog, Pictures, Reviews Tags: 13th colony, battlestar galactica, ending, finale, ftl, hyperdrive, spoilers, star trek, star wars, sub-luminal, thirteenth colony, warp drive
February 16th, 2009
I finally updated this blog and made a post. Please enjoy this picture of Gaius Baltar I drew.
So we’ve got a temporary login page setup now and an operational user system now!
On a side note, Barrack Obama is now President of the United States. Awesome.