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According to Chuck Palahniuk…

February 19th, 2007 Leave a comment Go to comments

Chuck Rules
My power animal is the weiner dog.

A few weeks back, I sent Chuck Palahniuk, the author of some awesome novels like “Fight Club” and “Choke,” a letter and a small sampling of some of my writing.

It pretty much comprised of drunk ramblings, bar stories, and some mildly coherent sentences. Chuck, if you’re reading this, you’re a classy guy. Thanks for the presents and the letter.

As you saw from the picture above, I got a package in the mail today from Mr. Palahniuk. I can’t remember everything that was in the box but the really, really cool items were: the autographed CDs, picture, nametag, and letter. There was random candy and seeds as well. Pictures below! Yes, I know some are stretched. Just click them.

The Box The Box The Box The Presents Fight Club The CDs The CDs The CDs The CDs The Picture The Dog Ball, nametag, colouring book, tattoo Comb, spice up your life, forget-me-not, harmonica, rubber duck, severed finger, holographic tiger Candy, candles, crayons, mints, bouncy ball A million dollars Too much tinsel Gifts Gifts Gifts The letter, nametag, seeds

Did I mention the severed finger?

Categories: Blog, Pictures Tags:
  1. lauren
    February 20th, 2007 at 13:33 | #1

    that’s the most random thing…

  2. February 23rd, 2007 at 16:13 | #2

    That is really cool.

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